Roberto Matta (1911 - 2002)


Portrait of Roberto Matta, Chilean painter. Photography 1986

© Laurence Sudre. All rights reserved 2023 / Bridgeman Images

Roberto Matta is a Chilean artist known for his unique style that blends European surrealism and American abstract expressionism.

Born Roberto Sebastián Antonio Matta Echaurran on 11 November 1911 in Santiago, Chile, he graduated in architecture from the Catholic University of Santiago in 1932 and then moved to Paris to work in Le Corbusier's studio.

While travelling in Madrid, he met the surrealist Salvador Dalí who encouraged him to show his drawings to André Breton. His fantastic illustrations explore the unconscious through automatic methods of fluid perspective and rich colours. "Only the unknown interests me and I work for my own amazement," he says.

Matta moved to New York in 1938, turned to oil painting and became friends with Robert Motherwell while maintaining ties with Yves Tanguy.

He died on 23 November 2002 in Civitavecchia, Italy, at the age of 91.

Selected artworks

Roberto Matta (1911-2002)


 Unsigned oil on canvas with a handwritten mention on the back "1974 Dipinto per la Comune"

Performed in 1974 in support of the occupation of the Palazzina Liberty in Milan in 1974 by the theatre collective “La Comune”.

135 x 222 cm | 53.14 x 87.4 in.


Provenance: Private collection, Italy

The work is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from the "Archives de l'œuvre de Matta" dated 3 January 2017